This section covers may facets of events that occur in the life of the church. We will continue to provide many up-to-date resources and articles to assist our churches. In each section we have attempted to provide articles written by leading congregationalists, samples of services or prayers, a Google bookshelf to further your knowledge of the subject and links to other web resources.
Church Leadership
Church Planting
Church Vitality
Closing Churches
Conflict Management
Congregational Change & Strategic Planning
Congregational Governance
Discipleship & Spiritual Formation
Ethics for Churches & Pastors
Ordinations & Installations
Pastoral Search for Churches & Ministers
Small Churches
Small Groups
Stewardship & Generosity
Supervising Staff & Volunteers in Churches
Technology & Networking
Worship Resources
Youth & Young Adults
Church Leadership
Church Planting
Church Vitality
Closing Churches
Conflict Management
Congregational Change & Strategic Planning
Congregational Governance
Discipleship & Spiritual Formation
Ethics for Churches & Pastors
Ordinations & Installations
Pastoral Search for Churches & Ministers
Small Churches
Small Groups
Stewardship & Generosity
Supervising Staff & Volunteers in Churches
Technology & Networking
Worship Resources
Youth & Young Adults